Hi there! Today I'm going to provide a (hopefully) simple tutorial on how to create fancy posts with Proboards' limited BBCode editor. It took me quite some time to figure out something that looked nice, but wasn't too hard or just plain impossible to code.
The posts will look like the post you're viewing right now. The basic structure is made utilizing the code for quotes. Below, I will leave the basic code for you to copy, with easy instructions. These posts are highly customizable, so feel free to experiment to make them your own.
Before we get into the specifics of the code, I want to make it clear that this is in no way mandatory. I'm simply providing this for ClanRR forum users who are fans of prettier coding, like myself. Lastly, if anyone with more coding knowledge than myself would like to add to this tutorial, or make suggestions on how to improve/further customize these kinds of posts, please feel free.
[div align="center"][quote]YOUR BODY TEXT GOES HERE[/quote][/div][div align="right"][img src="YOUR CLOSING IMAGE GOES HERE"][/div][/quote][/div] I have two closing images, so here's the code for that if you'd like a similar look.
[div align="center"][quote]YOUR BODY TEXT GOES HERE[/quote][/div][div align="right"][img src="YOUR FIRST CLOSING IMAGE GOES HERE"]
[img src="YOUR SECOND CLOSING IMAGE GOES HERE"][/div][/quote][/div] When filling this code out, it's very important that you don't hit enter outside of your post's main text. If you hit enter, the code will space apart unevenly, as BBCode does not have a more accurate <br> tag like HTML.
The script font I use to open and close my posts is from 1001fonts.com The particular font I use is called KG Manhattan Script. This website is host to many fonts that are free to use, and most importantly, free to preview. They have a good font for pretty much every occasion, every subject, and every character.
You DO NOT have to download these fonts. I'll provide a simple explanation on how to use this site to create text images.
Once you've found your font of choice, type your text into the "Your text here..." bar.
Here you can edit the size of your font, and the color.
To get the image link, right click the preview text and select "Copy Image Address."
That is the link that goes in your opening and closing URL fields.
There is only one downside to this method, and that is the fact that the color slider has no hex codes. The website should automatically remember your color settings unless you clear your history, but changing the colors of your text will result in you losing the exact shade you had before.
I unfortunately can't seem to find a work around for this. But, it's much easier than having to open up an image editing program and make new text images, crop them, and then upload them every time you want to change what the beginning and end of your posts say.
I also recommend for those who don't want to make new images every time to make some basic opening and ending images they can bookmark. It's completely up to you. Song lyrics, the type of post you're making "Reply, Spam, Quote, Chat, Announcement," ect, or a simple message such as "Username is typing..." are all good choices.
As for the body text, changing the colors and fonts is as simple as editing any other text on Proboards. The tools are right in the editor.
Lastly, for actual images, I unfortunately have not found a workaround for using an image editing program. I know this can be quite a pain, so I'm willing to help anyone who would like a closing image similar to my icons of Apollo. Just shoot me a PM or reply here by pinging meif you're interested. Thanks for reading!
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Quisque nec congue elit, vitae dictum orci. Nulla porttitor risus ut felis congue, eget scelerisque nisl mollis. Sed pretium enim nulla. Curabitur mollis diam quam, ut scelerisque enim ornare semper. Nunc nec volutpat nibh. Ut gravida dolor ac dolor auctor dignissim. Ut vel aliquam tortor. Nam at metus ipsum. Donec sit amet velit maximus, fringilla erat vitae, volutpat arcu. Cras pulvinar in diam ut pulvinar. Aenean euismod nisi vel convallis congue. In et urna quam. Sed pulvinar libero id tortor blandit suscipit. Aenean ullamcorper non ipsum sollicitudin rutrum.
Etiam quis nibh at magna hendrerit aliquet condimentum ac erat. Praesent facilisis, risus a convallis gravida, risus purus egestas nisl, mattis elementum velit massa venenatis lectus. Fusce molestie odio erat, faucibus scelerisque libero ullamcorper sodales. Nam nisl est, consequat sit amet pellentesque eu, iaculis non lorem. Curabitur consequat at arcu non finibus. Integer elit eros, porta et erat nec, laoreet pharetra enim. Fusce urna nulla, luctus ut tempor quis, interdum ut mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis augue diam. Morbi tincidunt, lacus sit amet condimentum pharetra, diam lorem facilisis lectus, sed ornare erat lacus non ex. Mauris sollicitudin neque at viverra sagittis. Curabitur in lobortis dui. Proin consequat imperdiet risus, vel egestas augue efficitur at.
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Quisque sagittis sed quam at finibus. Integer interdum purus sed velit pellentesque gravida. In lacinia arcu purus, a feugiat eros tristique quis. Quisque in tellus id risus semper euismod non ac orci. Nam quis tortor et ligula condimentum euismod. Quisque leo est, tincidunt mollis tempus non, tincidunt id elit. Nam facilisis dolor sed tellus tristique luctus. Vivamus non eros nisi. Sed volutpat convallis sem, eu hendrerit justo. Mauris blandit ultrices nibh, nec rutrum libero consectetur vestibulum. Sed volutpat vel purus in efficitur. Mauris sodales sem sed leo viverra convallis. Curabitur vitae laoreet turpis. Nam venenatis neque dui, ut consequat ex placerat sed. Aenean at erat felis.